Are You Here Now?
Are You Here Now?
Being here now means you are present with what is here, RIGHT NOW.
You are not in the past.
You are not in the future.
You are firmly rooted in the present moment.
You accept what is, even if you wish certain things to be different.
Remember, nothing changes until you accept. Then you will be free to act.
Much human suffering comes from being "here", in the present, and wanting to be "there", in the past or the future.
Why do you do this?
Attachment, illusion, control, fear, conditioning, lack of faith...
For today, can you be here now?
Are you willing to invest 100% of your attention (thoughts/words/deeds) to being with what is?
I promise you this.
When you root yourself in the present, you will have the capacity to be still, listen, and then act in alignment with your divine nature.
What practices support being here now & releasing the past?
Yoga, meditation, energy healing, writing, slowing down, creating space...