Full Moon Shamanic Release Ritual

When the moon is full it's a wonderful time to release what no longer serves, and allow space for what we want to create.

Think of a glass of water. If you keep filling it, the water overflows. Like a full glass, we also have to empty in order to receive more.

Reminder- it takes courage to let go and take a stand for the life we want! We will be challenged. We will face obstacles. The initiation from child to adult requires we do the work, get the support, and use the tools.

If not for ourselves, then for our children and their children.

And life... it's an awe inspiring cycle of birth and death, creation and destruction, beginnings and endings, openings and closings. Since we are life, when we consciously choose to let go of old ways that need to "die", we create space for new ways that are waiting to be birthed into being. It's a celebration really!!!

Enjoy this shamanic full moon release ritual recording to help you be you.

Gift yourself the time to really sink into this. Click Here For Recording.



Let Go Of Control


Energy Body & Anxiety