Goals and Intentions for Manifestation

Last week we talked about the experiences you want to have in 2023.

We shared how we break it down into 5 categories:


Feel free to use your own categories. 

Once we have our categories, we then get to set goals, intentions for them to manifest.

How do we do that?

What's the difference between a goal and an intention?

Do we need to have both?

In my experience, goals are great  when we  want to accomplish something specific in a given time range. 

For example, let's say we want to save down payment money to buy a house.  For most of us, in order for that to happen we have to use the SMART formula of goal setting listed below.

S = Specific (Goal is to save $100,000 for a 20% down payment on a $500,000 house)

M = Measurable (Keep track of weekly/monthly savings towards goal)

A = Action Oriented (Money needs to be set aside each week/month to achieve goal; other spending may have to be curbed)

R = Realistic (What is current income & expense scenario?  How much money can realistically be saved each week/month toward the $100,000 based on current scenario?)

T = Time Bound (By when will the $100,000 be saved? The answer to this is based on above)

​Goals often cause us to ask "how". How do I do this? Most of the time we know "how" or we find out how. Goals are our desires with attachment to outcome. Meaning, we know what we want, and we know when we have it. If we don't get it, we may feel a sense of loss.

Intentions are great when we have aspirations and desires that are aligned with our soul. Intentions are desires without attachment to outcome. Intentions are often less about the "how". Oftentimes we don't know the "how" and that is normal and okay. Many people don't like that part!

With intentions, instead of using a SMART formula per se, we declare what we want and then allow life to show us the way. In other words, we seed our intention, we feed it, and then leave it. We seed it by declaring it and visualizing it. We feed it by taking consistent action steps towards it. We leave it by releasing attachment to outcome and trusting that our actions and their consequences will guide us on the path to highest and best.

At times I have used both goals and intentions such as when I was saving for a house. Setting SMART goals helped me do my financial due diligence. Setting intentions helped me align the vision I had for a home with my soul. It turned out amazing. Not only did I reach my financial goals, I surpassed them. What's even more incredible and magical is I  ended up moving to the beach, on the same street where I spent summers with my ancestors. The houses in this area almost never come up for sale. More to that story another time.

These days I use mostly intentions to manifest. For me it feels more natural, fun, powerful, and is aligned with my soul. I have learned there is no right or wrong way. The more you know yourself, you will find the way that works best.

Back to those 5 categories mentioned above.

What are your goals and/or intentions for your categories this year?

If you want to share, I'd love to know!

>>>Email Me Here.


Speak Up With Grace


Set The Stage for 2023