Why Resistance

Resistance works in opposition to getting what we say we want! When we are resisting, we lose energy. We all know that being in resistance doesn't work! Ultimately, what we resist will persist. 

I have found that being in resistance actually keeps us re-living the event after it has happened. Double suffering!

It goes like this:

1.Something happened in the past that hurt us.

2. We are still giving it our attention (thoughts/focus) and energy (power) in the present.  

3. By focusing on it we re-create / re-live it in the future. 

Why do we do it? 
Many reasons, mostly fear of losing control.

We also resist because if we accept something we "don't want / disagree with" on some level we feel conflicted. It may seem that by accepting something "unacceptable", we are asking for more of it or perhaps even condoning it. While this may seem convincing, it's false.

What is true, is the event that happened. It's done. Resisting that truth is a form of denial. That's a whole other topic!

Bottom line: The only way to move beyond resistance is through acceptance. Once we do this, we free up the energy to do what needs to be done so to speak.

Resistance is one of my favorite topics because on the other side is freedom -- and what we want!

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