Meditation For Living Well

4-Part Live Virtual Series

Learn how to direct your mental energy to create a more peaceful and joy-filled existence. 

Most of us are unable to turn off our mind.

We have incessant thoughts that cause us to live in the past (regret) or in the future (worry). We end up missing out on the present moment and as result create unnecessary stress. During this 4-week series you will learn about the nature of the mind and how to stop incessant thoughts through meditation.

Dates: Monthly Classes- Contact Me to Register.

“One of the most significant negative habits we should be aware of is that of constantly allowing our mind to run off into the future.… Your meditation practice here is to bring your mind back to the present."

-Thich Nhat Hahn


We all know there are immense benefits to meditating…

  • Stress and anxiety management

  • Improved sleep

  • Staying in the present moment

  • Increased concentration & focus

  • Deeper sense of connection and well-being

So why is it so hard for us to do?

That’s where this course comes in! Prepare to be supported and guided on your journey to establish a consistent meditation practice.

This course course is for anyone who:

  • Wants to start a meditation practice yet hasn't been able to on their own

  • Is seeking natural, spiritual ways to reduce stress and anxiety

  • Wants to access the space between thoughts to create affluence

  • Wants to deepen their existing meditation practice

  • Is curious about meditation and it’s benefits

  • Has a hard time quieting the mind and deals with a lot of anxiety, stress because of it

  • Wants to bring meditation into their home and/or workplace


You Can Expect:

  • A four week virtual program on how to build a solid meditation practice

  • Weekly calls to learn, share, ask questions and connect

  • Individual/one-on-one time with homework to integrate teachings

  • Course curriculum relevant for beginners and beyond


After this course you will:

  • Feel confident overcoming obstacles

  • Have a solid understanding (and experience with) of a variety of meditation & breath work techniques

  • Understand how to use meditation principles to create affluence in your life

  • Have all the tools to create (and maintain) a consistent meditation practice

Stephanie, thank you for giving me such a wonderful gift with meditation. I’m making an effort to sow seeds daily and continue to acknowledge my self-worth. The last several years have been emotionally taxing and I have lost sight of who I am. After your class I’m looking at things as “opportunities” rather than “obstacles.
— student testimonial

Investment & Registration

TUITION: $197 upon registration.


About Your Host

Stephanie Filardi Wellness Coach About

Hi, I’m Stephanie!

I’m an entrepreneur, coach, author, yogi, shaman, and podcast host working with motivated people who are ready to thrive. I am also the co-founder of Bronxville Wellness Sanctuary, a healing space that provides sanctuary for body, mind, and spirit.

I have been working in the wellness field for over 17 years. In 2003, I began building my wellness business on the side while still working my corporate job. By 2007, after 10 years in corporate, I was ready to dive full time in wellness. I haven’t looked back. 

I firmly believe when we gain the tools to nourish our body, mind, and spirit we experience health and wealth in all its forms. Life flows easily. We connect to our purpose. We feel good. We make good choices. We thrive! It is my intention to leverage my life experience, training, and certifications to help you live a life of affluence and thrive.  

"An act of meditation is actually an act of faith--of faith in your spirit, in your own potential.  Faith is the basis of meditation.  Not of faith in something outside you--a metaphysical Buddha, an unattainable ideal, or someone else's words. The faith is in yourself, in your own ‘Buddha-nature.’ You too can be a Buddha, an awakened being that lives and responds in a wise, creative, and compassionate way."

-Martine Batchelor