Persistence Pays

My first corporate job after graduating college a client called me “tenacious”. 🥰

At the time I was working as an account executive in the garment industry. 😌

It was my burning desire to grow the account and I learned the fortune is in the follow up 💯

Often when I picked up the phone to call this client I was so nervous, so uncomfortable - felt like I was being a burden (one of my old limiting beliefs) 👀

I picked up the phone anyway ⬆️

The result? I got the orders, grew the business and learned tenacious also means “persistence” 😎

Was I told NO at times? Yes 😂

Did I get every sale? No 🤣

Did I keep going and do whatever it took to deliver the best possible service to have this client want to work with me? Yes 🥳

I share this because once we have a burning desire 🔥 the obstacles show up 🙃

When obstacles appear on the path — often those limiting beliefs show up and derail us... the voice says, “you’re crazy! That’s impassible, you aren’t worthy... the list is endless 🤪

That’s WHY we must accept obstacles as part of the journey 🧐

Obstacles teach us how to be agile, where we need to grow (think overcoming self limiting beliefs), and in some cases where we need to tweak our plan 👏

Persistence pays off 💸

You deserve to have the life you desire 😍

Sometimes the obstacle reminds us what we don’t want 😆

Stay the course ✅

Deal with your emotions 🙄

This weeks mind the gap podcast episode I speak about persistence. 🤗

It’s all fuel for the journey - we got this 💜

>>>Listen Here.


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