Reasons to Start Meditating Now

Over the years while teaching meditation there's tendency for people to want to have lots of knowledge and information about what meditation is, how we do it, are we doing it right, etc, etc. Lots of thoughts!

Our brain thirsts for endless knowledge and information in order to commit/believe. Our conditioned mind is so trapped in the doing of life, unless we know meditation is "doing something", we don't even give it a chance. We quit before we even show up for class. 

The paradox is-- in meditation, we aren't "doing" anything. To take it a step further, we are actually UN-learning and emptying the mind of information and knowledge. And so.... Benefits of meditation are many and increase over time.

​They include physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects:

  • Improved health & happiness, better sleep

  • Less irritability and stress, more peace and connection

  • Increased concentration, more focus​ & success

Did you know there are also scientific reasons to start meditating?

Check out this article from psychology today here.

Ready to start or deepen your meditation practice?

Sign Up for my 4 week meditation series here.


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