Energy Clearing and Healing

When approached with an open mind, Reiki & Shamanic Energy Healing are highly effective ways of making the unconscious conscious --and healing deeply rooted trauma that we cannot always get to in talk therapy.

Energy healing sessions allow us to target the root cause of anxiety and panic attacks, heal wounds that we are not consciously aware of, and release core beliefs and experiences stored in the body or the subconscious mind (feeling mind). The techniques used during an energy healing session are designed to switch the nervous system out of “fight –flight-freeze” mode into a state of deep relaxation, allowing for both short-term and long-term relief of stress and anxiety.

In addition, what we learn during a session can help us re-align our conscious mind (thinking mind) toward what we want to create in our life. Isn't that why we are here?!

Since life is always changing, the ability to use practices that bring us back into harmony with our-self and the world around us is not only effective, it is healing in itself.

Energy healing sessions are great for those who are ready to clear blocks, negativity, and /trauma in order to embrace life with presence -- in a positive, loving, peaceful, and empowering way.

Sessions offered by Stephanie (in person or virtual).

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