Empowering Our Future
When we are filled with pain/anger/resentment/imprints from the past -- in the present moment, our ability to make empowered choices for our future is affected.
Freeing Ourselves
To live a life of peace, prosperity, and connection - to become masters at manifestation - at some point we must fully shed the past.
You are Powerful
I would say mastering self + being ourselves is true power - and the privilege of a lifetime.
Stillness is Power
In stillness lies your connection to pure potential and the creativity of the universe of which we are a part.
Relationship Healing
At some point, hopefully not on our deathbed, we realize that we all need people…
Caring for Your Energy Body
Caring for your energy body will enhance all areas of your life! The picture here is my wedding day with an energy clearing using sage.
Empowering the Future Shamanic Healing
When we are filled with pain/anger/resentment/imprints from the past -- in the present moment, our ability to make empowered choices for our future is affected.
Healing the Past Shamanic Healing
In order for us to access who we are and bring forth our unique gifts, we must BOTH shed and heal. Shedding leaves space, a clearing if you will. Healing brings about harmony with the energy of what was "shed".