Stillness is Power

Feeling unclear, disconnected, maybe even down?

Take time for stillness.

We live in a non-stop and noisy world. Add our busy mind to that and a perfect storm ensues.

Over time the noise drowns out our own voice.

In stillness lives your connection to yourself, your desires...your truth. In stillness lies your connection to pure potential and the creativity of the universe of which we are a part. Stillness IS power.

One of our favorite ways to access stillness is with meditation and energy healing practices. Whether you have a formal meditation / energy practice or not, simply sitting in silence or watching nature connects you to stillness and the energy of life itself. It rejuvenates, restores and renews us.

Many of us continue (and will continue) to experience times of transition in work/life and much uncertainty. That energy can cause us to feel fearful and frenetic--- like things are speeding up and we have no control. Most of us find this energy unsettling and our nervous system reacts with fight, flight or freeze. My friends, this is when we need stillness the most!!

What I have learned is that in stillness practiced over time, there is incredible inner movement. Inner movement generates and attracts outer movement. In fact, the more still we become, the more things move "on their own" to support exactly what we need/want/desire.. without having to put forth much effort. Magic? Maybe.

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Clearing Energetic Blocks