Six Word Memoir

Earlier today my husband was preparing a presentation for his first in person team meeting since starting his new job last year. Exciting and maybe a bit nerve wracking! I was asking him how he was feeling about it, and in the process he asked me to help him with a question. I was like, YES! 

I always love a good challenge. Especially those I am invited to participate in! Anyway, the question he was grappling with was, "What is your 6 word memoir to share with the team as you introduce yourself (in person for the 1st time!)"?

Right up my alley!!! I tried to calm down as I shared some examples to inspire him. I can be overly excited and energized when it comes to these topics.

I encouraged him to think about how he wants to be remembered in this life...personally,'s all connected right? I shared my 6 word memoir which is now 2 words: "transform lives".

After a little back and forth we came up with his (at least for now!). It is: "transformative presence inspiring integrity, loyalty, laughter".

What is your six word memoir?

Share it with others! It's inspiring and can become a map for how you want to live the rest of your life.

I'd love to know yours!

>>>Share It With Me Here


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Why Manifest