Shame Guilt Commitment

"The key to your heart lies hidden in the heart of another." -Swami Kripalu 

I was back at the mothership (Kripalu) this weekend. What a joy! Pictured here is Dancing Shiva who represents transformation, a favorite topic.

While there and listening to our collective stories about life, I was reminded how tender, vulnerable, and often unworthy we can feel when speaking out about our goals, intentions, and desires.

We may think, "Who am I to have what my heart desires?"

Why is that?

For many of us it's old shame and guilt we carry. It's our own, it's our ancestors, it's the collective. 

Bottom line- The vibrations of shame and guilt are very low and prevent us from living our life fully.

As I've been writing about- we can be connected, have clarity, and be committed yet nothing shifts if we are carrying this old toxic energy.

What can you do? 

You can heal this energy on all levels- body, mind, and spirit by releasing it with LOVE.

It's one of the main reasons I offer energy healing. It's powerful and we can heal 7 generations back and forward.

Are you ready to live fully? 

If so, I invite you to try an energy healing session with me.

Warning: it's powerful and like Dancing Shiva above, you will be transformed. Yay!

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Love Yourself


What It Takes