Tips For Letting Go of Control

When we are faced with circumstances outside of our control it may feel like an impossibility to let go.
And yet-- letting go is exactly what we must "do".

One of the ways I "trick" my mind into letting go is by asking myself the below 3 questions.
Since inner peace is a way of being many of us want to experience, this exercise works quite well.

1. Do I wish to experience inner peace or conflict?
Inner peace, of course!
Note: Some of us still like being in provides a distraction of sorts and gives us an excuse not to take responsibility for our life. Ouch, yes. I get it.  Some of us are in conflict and don't even know it. All have been true for me. It's part of the human condition at times. It's up to us to be aware and then make the choice again and again as life carries on...

2. What must I be willing to do in order to experience inner peace?
Be open to trying things that support this way of living. There are many things/ tools we can do/ use: books, meditation, a mentor, energy work, prayer, workshops, podcasts... I do all of this and then some :) The point is, I am willing to do what it takes to live a peaceful life. Over time, we may need more or less of these things/ tools based on what we are facing in life. More stressful times = more support. Make sense?

3. Who must I become to experience inner peace?
Become a student of inner peace. Know thyself. Use the tools above.
Today, right now, begin to practice: acceptance, non-judgment, non-attachment, presence, compassion... and the big one - forgiveness. These are only a few and often the ones that are most profound.

If you want support, email me here for a virtual session.


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