Workshop: Living in the Now, Tools for Navigating Challenging Times
What: Living in the Now: Tools for Navigating Challenging Times with Stephanie Filardi
When: Saturday, November 2, 2024 from 11:00AM-1:00PM EST LIVE, Via Zoom
Why: I had the pleasure of spending 6 days in Greece last week studying with Eckhart Tolle (Spiritual teacher and author of Power of Now, to name a few). The entire week was dedicated to the practice of being present: living in the now, elevating & expanding our conscious awareness, entering deep stillness, and ultimately learning how to navigate challenging times.
Challenging times give us an opportunity to deepen into the present moment. As we do, we can enter the space of joy, freedom, and peace.
Eckhart is one of the very few teachers I truly admire because he is a living example of what it means to balance the human (physical/mental/emotional aspects) and the being (our essence/spiritual dimension).
What to Expect:
2 hour LIVE & interactive workshop via Zoom to share some of these practical & life changing teachings. Workshop will be recorded for you to listen to again as needed!
Topics to be discussed:
-What is presence? How do we access it? How can being present support us?
-Everyday activities as the perfect portal to access wisdom and experience the power of now.
-Practice how shifting awareness frees us from inner turmoil, anxiety, and unnecessary suffering.
-Learn approaches to quiet the noisy mind and become responsive instead of reactive.
-Cultivate deeper connection with yourself and those around you.
To Register:
RSVP is required via link below.
Investment $45, Early Bird Special
If registered after October 30th, $55
>>>Register Here