You Gotta Relax

In this weeks episode of Mind the Gap Stephanie reminds us to relax! Easier said than done, we know. Yet essential.

You may be thinking- How can I possibly relax during such challenging times?

Guess what!? You can!

Building on the previous episode - letting go - we can choose to relax when we let go and have faith in the unfolding.

Stephanie shares tips- both big and small - on how to add more time for relaxation into daily life. She also discusses how she engages with technology and social media these days- two areas that cause stress for many of us.

She invites you to slow down, unplug and really listen to this episode. You can even treat it as part of your relaxation time.

Keep up the great work. We got this. Let’s go.

>>>Listen Here


Navigating THE Pivot


You Gotta Let Go