You Gotta Let Go

In this weeks episode of Mind the Gap Stephanie reminds us both the energy — and results we desire happen as a result of our ability to let go.

She explains how letting go (Step 8 and the last step in the process of manifestation, episode 58) isn’t about being apathetic or indifferent. Quite the opposite.

Letting go is about having faith and belief. It's about consistently working to build this faith and belief.

When we follow the steps of manifestation and then let go - we ALLOW the universe to give us what we want OR something BETTER. Reread that. Or something better. When all is said and done, you gotta let go.

When we micromanage or control the outcomes, which many of us do by forcing and resisting, we actually close off infinite possibilities that may be even better than what we are asking for. Reread that.

Stephanie shares her experience of letting go as she was transitioning from the corporate world to owning her own wellness business. She never would have imagined all the amazing things that have happened as a result of her letting go of specific outcomes.

Stephanie reminds us that letting go isn’t easy— yet it’s the only way to experience freedom and truly get what we say we want, OR BETTER.

You deserve to be happy. You deserve to experience everything your mind can imagine and your heart can desire.

You gotta let go! Let’s go.

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