Choosing To Be Happy

“I finally figured out that the only reason to be alive is to enjoy it.” -Rita Mae Brown

In this week's episode of Mind the Gap, Stephanie wants to inspire you to kick off 2021 HAPPY.

Pictured above is Stephanie's great Aunt Rose at 95! She passed in August 2020 at 98.

Her legacy of being happy, enjoying life... all things she taught Stephanie inspired her to re-release this podcast.

We are all going to die.
Time is the only commodity we don't get back.
You deserve to be happy.

In this episode Stephanie explores what it means to choose happiness, and how to actually do it while facing real life "challenges and obstacles" that arise.

She also discusses how our mental conditioning (negative thoughts) often create unhappiness by keeping us in resistance to what is thereby leaving us feeling stuck and dis-empowered.

Life is short. Choose happy, be happy! Let's Go.

>>>Listen Here.


You Gotta Let Go


You Got This!