Commiting to Daily Rituals
Knowing everyday is sacred, my intention is to focus energy on daily rituals and practices that celebrate the sacred.
Mindset Makeover Challenge
“Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” -Steve Jobs
Empowering the Future Shamanic Healing
When we are filled with pain/anger/resentment/imprints from the past -- in the present moment, our ability to make empowered choices for our future is affected.
Healing the Past Shamanic Healing
In order for us to access who we are and bring forth our unique gifts, we must BOTH shed and heal. Shedding leaves space, a clearing if you will. Healing brings about harmony with the energy of what was "shed".
Shedding the Past Shamanic Healing
In my experience, in order to truly live a life of peace, prosperity and connection - to become masters at manifestation - at some point we must shed the past.
Manifesting Our Dream Home
Power of doing the millionaire mindset manifesting work is paying off!
You’re Good Enough
Here’s the deal. We all have limiting beliefs. What do you with them is what matters.
You Gotta Keep Going
The difference between those who live their dream life, and those who don’t, comes down to not quitting!
In real and honest terms Stephanie shares ways we can bring more awareness to this topic and how it's a very normal thing to feel depressed at one point or another in our life.
Diving Deep Into Letting Go
The decision to take the path less traveled…turned our amazing
Navigating THE Pivot
Navigating THE Pivot in order to stay happy, relevant, and keep moving forward.
You Gotta Let Go
When we follow the steps of manifestation and then let go - we ALLOW the universe to give us what we want OR something BETTER. Reread that. Or something better.
You Got This!
What happens when we believe so strongly something is true…then find out it isn’t…think Santa