Healing Our Past
The energy of anger/hate/bitterness binds us energetically to someone as much as love does.
Freeing Ourselves
To live a life of peace, prosperity, and connection - to become masters at manifestation - at some point we must fully shed the past.
Go Slow to Go Fast
What I am remembering is that in order to go fast, or be effective, productive, efficient, we actually have to slow down.
Habit of Spiritual Practice
In order for us to practice, we must create the habit of practice.
Why Resistance
Being in resistance actually keeps us re-living the event after it has happened.
You are Powerful
I would say mastering self + being ourselves is true power - and the privilege of a lifetime.
The Reality of Life
Life is hard, takes effort, and is full of surprises no matter how much you meditate!
Life is Meditation
Many think meditation is woo woo. It is not. Meditation is hard. It takes incredible discipline and courage to sit with self and be willing to look at all our beauty and our pain.
Story of Transformation
This is a brief story of transformation I want to share about my dog Rocky.
Power of Gratitude Meditation
"Wear gratitude like a cloak and it will feed every corner of your life." -Rumi
Magic of Meditation
Meditation is a powerful tool to unite all parts of our self - body, mind and spirit.